show Notes

Episode 24

sleep regression

Nearly every day, Allison gets a message asking her thoughts on a certain sleep regression. Tired, frustrated parents can find an internet article on a “sleep regression” that occurs almost every month between 3 and 24 months. But are there really this many true developmental sleep leaps? The short answer is no, but listen in to hear Allison’s detailed advice for each of the stages of development during the first two years. She’ll share how to troubleshoot the trigger for a sleep disruption your baby might be experiencing so you can confidently address any problem that’s developed in your house. This will be an episode you’ll refer back to throughout your baby’s first two years.

Allison referenced these past episodes:
23. Good News About The 4 Month Sleep Regression
22. 4 Tips For Navigating Sleep When Your Child Is Sick
2. Q&A Struggling with the Transition Down to One Nap

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