10 Products To Help Your Family Get More Sleep

Sleep ProductsEach year I like to share the sleep related products my clients and I have been crushing on. Enjoy the 2018 list!

1. Hatch Baby Rest Nightlight

I don’t recommend using a nightlight in your infant’s room all night, but this little guy is the perfect nightlight for middle of the night feedings and diaper changes. AND, it can transition into a “toddler clock.” I recommend every 2-6 year old have a sleep clock. If you’re using this light as a sleep clock, I recommend using red/pink for sleep and green for the wake color.

2. Kyte Baby Sleep Sack

I’m a HUGE fan of using sleep sacks for as long as possible. Not only are sleep sacks safe wearable blankets, they (maybe most importantly) help keep our toddlers and preschoolers in the crib longer! However, it can be hard to find a sleep sack long enough for your preschooler which is why I was thrilled when I stumbled upon this sleep sack in a local baby store. It’s very long and made with a super soft bamboo material.

3. Haakaa Breast Pump

Want your husband to feed a pumped bottle during the night, but don’t want to hook up to the pump? This little guy was a recommendation from one of my friends who recently had her second baby. She recommended it to the moms in one of my courses and several of them are loving it. While you’re doing a night nursing session, hook the Haakaa up to the opposite breast and, voila, you have milk for your husband’s next bottle feed!

4. Baby Brezza Formula Pro

Because of delivery complications, I wasn’t able to breast feed my first daughter and had low supply for my second daughter. I found making and warming bottles painful. Earlier this year I was in a client’s home and met the Brezza. Hello, lover. This fella is expensive, but I would have bought it in a second if it had been around when my girls were infants.

5. Marpac Portable White Noise

We just go back from spending four nights in Disney World and it reminded me how much I LOVE our portable white noise machine. Not only does it help you replicate your child’s home sleep environment, it blocks out hotel hallway noises. It’s really small and easy to throw in your suitcase or purse.

6. Little Sleepy Head Toddler Pillow

My girls are have been using these little pillows for a few years now and I love them. They are a great size for young children, easy to travel with, and hold up for washing. I recommend introducing a toddler pillow at 2 years old. If you buy one, don’t forget the pillow case.

7. Kickee Pants Footies With Zippers

I’ve been obsessed with Kickee Pants since my best friend gifted me a pair when my oldest was born. When my girls were infants, I swore by footies with zippers – snaps in the middle of the night are the worst. So imagine my delight when Kickee Pants came out with footies with zippers!! It’s my absolute favorite baby gift to give my girlfriends.

8. Kickee Pants Crib Blanket

Continuing with the Kickee Pants theme… Along with introducing a toddler pillow at 2 years old, I recommend introducing a crib blanket. Who wouldn’t want to sleep with one of these “comfy cozy” (my daughter’s nickname for Kickee Pants) blankets?!

9. Cool Mist Ultrasonic Humidifier

‘Tis the season. I’ve just busted back out my girls’ humidifiers and they will live in their rooms for the next few months. This one has survived without getting moldy for the last two winters so I’m a fan.

10. Blackout Pleated Paper Shades

Don’t want to invest in expensive blackout curtains because you’re not sure the dark room will help with your little one’s naps? Try these little suckers. If you learn that the dark room helps, you can invest in a prettier curtain.

Do you have a sleep product you can’t live without? I’d love to hear about it!

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