show Notes

Episode 115

best parenting advice for new parents

After each guest interview we do for the podcast, Allison asks our guests some rapid-fire questions unrelated to their area of expertise. Today’s episode is a compilation of all the great “bonus answers” they shared with us in the last six months. These five guests will share their best parenting advice, book and podcast and show recommendations, favorite meal they prepare at home, and the personal goal they are working towards this year.

Links to the previous episodes referred to in this episode:
84. Planning for Your Mental Health Postpartum with Kayce Hodos
89. Ditching Mom Guilt, Setting Boundaries and Creating Balance with Stacey Olson
104. What Your Child’s Preschool Teacher Wishes You Knew with Elizabeth Lane
105. What Your Child’s Kindergarten Teacher Wishes You Knew with Meg Franco
109. The Role of Electrolytes in Reducing Pregnancy Fatigue with Elizabeth Newton
57. Celebrating Our First Anniversary
90. Our Guests Have Even More To Say

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