My 2019 Focus Words

2019 Focus WordsHappy New Year! I love a fresh start and I have big plans for 2019. I’m not a huge new years resolution type of gal, but last year I had a couple friends who chose a focus word (or words) for the year. I liked that idea so this year I’m choosing two focus words.

Wellness and Present


Last January my husband Mike and I did the Whole30. Yes, I lost some lbs (which by the end of 2018 I had fully gained back), but what I remember most is how good I felt. I don’t remember ever feeling that good. Truly.

I popped out of bed energized and had energy all day. It was much easier for me to take things in stride (interpret: less frustration) and I felt less anxious about life. I think of myself as a happy person, but I was even happier and more content at the end of that month of clean eating. It’s really hard to explain unless you’ve experienced it.

We are what we eat. I get it now. What I put in my body affects how I feel and behave. I am a better mom when I eat a healthier diet because I truly have a sense of calm. I did not maintain that lifestyle throughout the year, but I was much more thoughtful about food. Baby steps.

What I didn’t do in 2018 was move. I feel like I can count on two hands how many times I exercised. Sure I ran around after my kids, but I did not make time for myself to move my body.

In 2019 I will prioritize my wellness. I’m going to keep reminding myself that I need to put my oxygen mask on first before I assist my neighbor (my family). I’m going to focus on these two areas and a third for Ainsley:

  1. I will remember that I am what I eat. I am doing Whole30 again this month, but I know I can’t maintain that strict diet all year long. I am, however, going to focus on avoiding processed foods, keeping dairy intake down (this non-dairy coffee creamer is amazing and I add a scoop of collagen for my skin, hair and nails), and I’m going to save sugar intake for things I really love rather than the random junk. I’m going to drink more water and drink less wine.
  2. I’m going to move 2-3x a week. I have a couple of childhood injuries that make it hard for me to just go out for a run, but I’ve let that be an excuse for too long. I’m going to “walk-a-jog” for 30-45 minutes at least two times a week, ideally three.
  3. I’m going to help Ainsley with her picky eating. Ainsley, my 4 year old, is an extremely picky eater. It makes me sad and frustrated and I know it’s not doing her any favors. So I took the “ask for help” approach and will be getting coached through helping Ainsley enjoy more foods. As I implement this eating plan, I’ll keep you posted!


I want to be more present with my girls and my husband. I’m often multitasking while doing things with my girls. I have become too attached to my devices. Cue the working mom guilt.

I will focus on being more present with my family. Three things I will do to will move me in that direction:

  1. Put the phone away from dinnertime through bedtime. I want to end the day being fully engaged and present for my kids.
  2. Go on mommy daughter dates. Mike and I dabbled with this last year and we both enjoyed it and felt both of the girls benefited. Hearing the girls say, “I get to go on a date with Mommy!” or “Daddy and I went on a date!” is just about the cutest thing ever. Ideally I could make this happen weekly, but at least every other week I will do something solo with each of the girls.
  3. Schedule at least two dates a month with Mike. I’d love to have a weekly date night, but I don’t think that’s the season of life we’re in right now. I do, however, know it’s easy to get lost in raising young kids and we need to take the “schedule it or it won’t happen” approach. I will schedule two dates at the beginning of each month so we aren’t trying to find a sitter last minute.

I’d love to hear what your goals or focus words are for 2019 – share them in the comments below!


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