show Notes

Episode 14

won't let dad put to bed

In today’s Q&A episode, Allison tackles a listener’s question. Melissa’s 3 year old child won’t let Dad put her to bed. This is an issue Allison often helps families navigate. She knows this battle can put quite a strain on families. Typically it’s children resisting having dad put them to bed, but she’s also worked with children who have a strong preference for their dad to put them to bed. The good news is that this bedtime parent resistance can generally be fixed within a week!

In her usual no-nonsense approach, Allison will walk you through her simple plan for handling this in your home. She’s not trying to change your child’s stance on having a preferred parent at bedtime, but she is going to help your child become comfortable with either parent putting them to bed. She’ll give you steps for each parent to take each night and the language to use with your child to make this a seamless transition.

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