show Notes

Episode 13

picky eater

It can be so frustrating if you have a child who is a picky eater. It can lead to nutrition concerns and make preparing a family meal very challenging, and time consuming. Allison can relate because her first daughter took well to all of her food introductions (once she got past her gag/vomit struggles!), but her second daughter refused almost all foods right out of the gate. These food struggles went on for a couple of years. Then Allison met Alisha and everything changed!

In this episode, licensed pediatric occupational therapist Alisha Grogan will share truly helpful advice about picky eating. What’s normal? When should you start to worry? What are a few things you can do to help set your child up for success? Alisha has helped thousands of families around the world, including Allison’s family.

To sign up for the first class (it’s FREE) Allison took with Alisha, CLICK HERE.

Alisha’s Website:

Alisha’s Instagram:

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