show Notes

Episode 113

How To Help Your Child Sleep When Traveling To Europe

Parents often question how to help their child sleep when traveling from the U.S. to Europe. What’s the ideal time of day to fly? Do I let the kids sleep on the plane? What if they don’t sleep well on the plane? How do we adjust to the new time zone? How do I manage sleep schedules so my kids are not overtired the whole trip? How do we fit in dinner at a restaurant and still make sure everyone gets the sleep they need? How to handle kids with different sleep needs on an international trip? The list goes on and on.

In today’s episode, Allison is sharing what she learned about managing her daughters’ sleep on her two trips to Europe. The first was a trip to Italy when her girls were 4 and 6 years old and the second was to France when they were 8 and 10 years old. From the moment you book the flight, she’s got you covered with her own personal experience and the guidance she shares with her clients.

And if you want to hear more from Allison about her travels to France, check out her blog post about her family’s recent trip to Paris. It includes packing tips with must-have items and her suggestions for things to do with kids in Paris.

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