A Toddler Clock Should Be in the Bedroom of Every 2-6 Year Old – When to Effectively Introduce the Clock

Toddler clocks are hands down the most effective tool out there to help your toddler or preschooler know when they should be sleeping. I’m going to share when to introduce one . (Affiliate links below)

I truly believe every child between the age of 2 and 6 years old should have a toddler clock. Toddler clocks are an awesome tool, or at least they can be if introduced correctly, and if they are respected by both the child and the parents. These clocks illuminate when it’s time to wake up and this actually gives your child independence and control. Here’s what you need to know:

  1. If your child is under 2 years old and sleeping well, introduce the clock on their 2nd birthday. Set the wake-up time on the clock to a few minutes before your child regularly wakes. Important Note: Have it on silent mode so the clock changes colors, but does not make noise when it’s okay to wake up. When you come in to get your child out of their crib in the morning, very cheerfully point out that the clock is now yellow or green (depending on the clock you are using) and it’s time to get up! It will likely take a few weeks or even a couple months for your little one to fully understand the point of the clock, but once they do, you now have this amazing tool that will assist your toddler with their sleep for years to come.
  2. If your child is over the age of 2 years old and sleeping well, introduce the clock ASAP as a fun knew surprise. Follow the same instructions I gave for the 2 year old in #1 above.
  3. If your child is 2 years old or older and is having early waking struggles, introduce the clock as soon as you are mentally prepared to follow through with the clock rules. By that I mean, once you explain to your preschooler or kindergartner in a fun and upbeat family meeting that they need to stay in their crib/bed until the clock turns yellow or green, you need to follow through on this new rule. You can do this using whichever sleep training method you’ve decided is best for your family, but clock implementation success is all about consistent follow through. Preschoolers and kindergartners thrive with structure and the clock provides that nighttime structure. Initially, however, there will be testing and potentially resistance. Once your child realizes that you are going to follow through on the clock rules, they will be much more confident and relaxed about staying in their crib/bed during the night.
  4. If your child is 2 years old or older, you’ve already introduce the clock, and your child currently ignores the clock, it’s time to reintroduce the clock! Bring it out of their bedroom, have a fun and upbeat family meeting where you explain that everyone is going to follow the clock rules starting tonight, and then follow the instructions mentioned in #3 above. It’s never too late to put that clock to work!

There are a lot of toddler clock options out there and, generally speaking, I think they can all be used effectively. My current personal favorite, however, is the Hatch because it can be set for red or orange for sleep which is the color least likely to disrupt melatonin.

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