3 Simple Changes That Will Improve Mom’s Sleep

improve mom's sleepI’m kind of obsessed with helping parents improve their children’s sleep. Sleep is so good for their mind, body, development, and overall health. Having a child or children who sleep well is also good for the overall health of the parents. for. so. many. reasons.

I often joke that I know too much about sleep now – I could totally freak you out by telling you what happens to your brain when you do and don’t sleep, but we have enough stress in our lives. Let’s just agree on the fact that we moms are better when we get adequate sleep.

That being said, becoming a mom can really make sleep a challenge. It’s during those late night hours that we catch up on Facebook, read emails, watch the Bachelorette, worry, daydream, think of all the things we didn’t get done or need to get done, etc. Plus, having a baby or child not sleeping well can totally throw you off your sleeping game. Even once you get your child sleeping, it can be challenging to get your sleep back on track.

So, what can you do? Today I’m going to share my top 3 tips to improve mom’s sleep. Plus, because moms have expressed so much interest in this topic, I want to invite you to join me in my Get Mom Some ZZZs! 7-Day Sleep Challenge that will start on Monday, July 24, 2017.

3 Simple Changes That Will Improve Mom’s Sleep

  1. Prioritize Sleep. If you’re a new mom, or have a child not sleeping through the night, I want you to focus on getting 5 uninterrupted hours of sleep. Research (and my experience of working with lots of exhausted moms who are at the end of their rope) shows that 5 hours of uninterrupted sleep can be a game changer for mental health. Work with your husband (or family, friends, postpartum doulas, etc.) to plan out when you’ll get these 5 hours of sleep. If you’ve gone weeks without getting 5 consecutive hours of sleep, I promise you will start to feel a bit more like yourself after you get that sleep. If you don’t have a baby or child waking you up during the night, I want you to prioritize getting at least 7, ideally 8 hours of sleep each night.
  2. Create Your Own Bedtime Routine. It works for babies and it can work for you too! Do the same thing every night before bed. Put on your pajamas (invest in some awesome ones), brush your teeth, wash your face, and read a good book.
  3. Put the Phone Down. Let me take that a step further, put the phone in the bathroom or any room other than your bedroom. We’ve all heard it, and it’s true – screen time messes with your brain and can prevent your body from releasing melatonin at the right times. Take one last look before you start that bedtime routine and then don’t check that phone again until you get up in the morning.

Want to learn about the other things I’ve personally done to improve my sleep? I’m going to share all of my stress reducing and relaxation tips during my Get Mom Some ZZZs! 7-Day Sleep Challenge. This will be 7 days of doing some self-care each day that should improve your sleep. Join me!

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